Keywords: emotion, motivation, performance, sport, psychology Internship Duration: 21/02/22 - 17/06/22
Head of the hosting team: Prof Michel-Ange Amorim
Website: Click here
Address of the host laboratory: CIAMS - Laboratoire Complexité, Innovation, Activités Motrices et Sportives Team CIAMS - Team Laboratoire Complexité, Innovation, Activités Motrices et Sportives Université d'Orléans, CIAMS Université Paris-Saclay, CIAMS 45062 Orléans and Paris-Orsay France
Supervisor: Xavier SanchezE-mail: Phone: 003323841734
I am suggesting multi-disciplinary research internships to individuals who are interested in developing work within the field of sport and performance psychology and more precisely to those interested in the psychological aspects of regulation (emotion, motivation) in sport performance when under pressure: emotional and motivational regulation; emotion regulation mechanisms – individual and group; Identity and emotion regulation mechanisms; psychology and sport climbing). I am physically based at University of Orleans but the development of multi-disciplinary research projects can also be potentially with Paris-Saclay (Orsay). This would depend upon the project the student would be most interested in developing.
My research uses both qualitative methods (e.g., interviews, focus groups) and quantitative methods (e.g., crossectional, quasi-experimental and experimental research designs). Measures of psychological nature can be combined to include other physiology and/or biomechanics measures, depending on the project (research question, hypothesis).
Sanchez X., Torregrossa M., Woodman T., Jones G., & Llewellyn D.J. (2019). Identification of parameters that predict sport climbing performance. Frontiers Psychology 10:1294. Campo, M., Sanchez, X., Ferrand, C. Rosnet, E., Friesen, A., & Lane, A. (2017). Interpersonal emotion regulation in team sport: Mechanisms and reasons to regulate teammates’ emotions examined. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 15, 379–394. Sanchez, X., Moss, S.L., Twist, C., & Karageorghis, C.I. (2014). On the role of lyrics in the music-exercise performance relationship. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15, 132–138.