Keywords: artificial inteligence, data science, smart systems Internship Duration: 30/11/-1 - 30/11/-1
Head of the hosting team: Mark Jelasity
Website: Click here
Address of the host laboratory: Szeged AI Team Szeged AI Arpad ter 2. 6720 Szeged Hungary
Supervisor: Richard FarkasE-mail: Phone: +3662546720
The intern can join the development of a clinical AI project, for example - extracting information (beyond ICD codes) for electronic health textual documents - machine learning risk assessment of diseases from diverse data sources - identification of early cognitive diseases from changes in speech. We accept both computer/data scientists and medical students. They can contribute to the AI experiments. While computer/data scientists will be involved in software development and machine learning, medical students can help to understand the feasibility and supports the improvement of the AI solutions. Interns gain a hands-on experience on how a state-of-the-art clinical AI research is carried out and they learn by doing the opportunities and limits of AI in real world scenarios.
We conduct core- and applied research in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our solutions analyse various type of data sources (text, speech, image, networks etc) on the frontier of AI research.
Richárd Farkas, György Szarvas, István Hegedűs, Attila Almási, Veronika Vincze, Róbert Ormándi and Róbert Busa-Fekete: Semi-automated construction of decision rules to predict morbidities from clinical texts. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2009;16(4), pp 601-605. Vincze, V., Szatlocki, G., Tóth, L., Gosztolya, G., Pakaski, M., Hoffmann, I., Kalman, J.: Telltale silence: temporal speech parameters discriminate between prodromal dementia and mild Alzheimer’s disease, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 2020.